This modding info was provided by helza from


Well finally the Demo is released, and after a few hours hard fighting you finally managed to Win the Mission... So... Now what? Wait for the Full Game?? Heck no, we've seen all those cool Units & Vehicles, we want to play them.

Well so be it, we've managed to edit the mission file (ofpdirectory \missions\demo1.demo.pbo) so allow you to be whatever unit, or drive whatever Vehicle that is available in the game.

So how do we do that?:
1) Backup your mission file (its called: "demo1.demo.pbo" and it located in your Missions Directory of OFP)
2) We open demo1.demo.pbo with our HEX Editor (Hex editor??? I don't have one? Go get UltraEdit)
3) Enable full island mode (this allows you to walk/fly/drive) around the complete island without getting "mission failed")

Go to HEX Address 0x24BD1, Here's a quick Step-By-Step:
Click on: Search
Click on: Goto Line/Page

Enter: 0x24BD1

You will see here the following information:

Replace that complete line with spaces, click on the "p" of position in the right screen and just press spacebar until the complete line is removed (including the ending "; <-- very important)

Congradulations, you've now removed the motion limited and are able to move around the complete island.
But we want to enjoy this by Flying around in a nice UH60 ofcourse.

Goto Page/Line (CTRL+G) and enter address: 0x12DB9
You will see the following line:

Enter here UH60, make sure you always end with "; and the text you entered is shorter then what was already written down you can simply fill it up with spaces again. In this case UH60 is alot shorter then SoldierWB, check how it looks after we changed it:

Now you will start out inside the UH60, however if you must also Unlock the helicopter (allowing you to get in it, this is especially important for T72 and UAZ)
Simply Goto Line/Page ADRESS 0x12DF2 (important note, this is just below the UH60 we just entered, you can just scholl down and select it)

It is a little unclear at this screenshot, but it fully says: lock="LOCKED";)
To we modify this and change it into lock="UNLOCKED";

Now we unlocked the vehicle to allow you to get in at any time you want.
Now just save the file, start up OFP, press "spacebar" 2x if you see the into (your commander telling you your mission) and your on your way in your brand new UH60.

This might seem a little complicated, but it really is very simple ones you did it a few times.
Here are the ADRESSES ones more with what information you can enter:

0x24BD1 (till 0x24BFF) says: position[]={7405.128906,-8.780130,5413.597168};
Remove this (replace with spaces) to disable the Mission Failed check if you go out too far.

0x12DB9 contains what unit you are, you have the following possibility's in the demo:
SoldierWB - West Soldier with M16
SoldierWG - West Soldier with M16+M203
SoldierWMG - West Soldier with M60
SoldierWAT - West Soldier with M16+Carl Gustav
SoldierWLAW - West Soldier with M16+LAW
SoldierEB - East Soldier with AK-47
SoldierEG - East Soldier with AK-47+Grenades
SoldierEMG - East Soldier with PK
SoldierEAT - East Soldier with AK-47+AT4
SoldierELAW - East Soldier with AK-47+RPG6
SoldierEB - East Soldier with AK-47
SoldierEB - East Soldier with AK-47
OfficerW - West Officer with M16+Binoculars
OfficerE - East Officer with AK-47+Binoculars
M113 - M113

T72 - T72
Ural - Ural
UH60 - UH60
Truck5tOpen - 5th Truck

If you enter one of those vehicles you often become an Soldier with the AKSU (AK-74) as a bonus.

Well that was it for this little "Step-By-Step" editing file :) if you found something interesting feel free to report it to us.


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